Many people snoring, which often makes people nearby was disturbe. But those who snore and the people around them are rarely aware of the existence of sleep apnea.
What is sleep apnea?
Apnea is the pause breath while sleeping. Apnea occurs when your breath channel closed so that no air reaching the lungs. The cycle of sleep apnea can be explained as follows:
First, You can sleep calmly (normally) and breathe normally. Air easily flow to the lung through the channel of your breath. Then, you start to snore loudly. This is a sign that a portion of your breath way blocked. A partially blocked artery mean breath air troubles got into your lungs. Next, your breathing channels closed completely. There is no air reaching the lungs. Your brain automaticly tells you to breathe normally, but you are unable to breathe because the channel of your breath blocked. This is called apnea. After a pause of 10-30 seconds or more, Your brain realize you haven't been breathing, then you will awake suddenly to take a breath. You take a breath in the air and start sleeping again.
This cycle can be continued through the night: you breathe normally - You snoring - You have the pause breath - you're waking up gasping for air - and you start breathing again. Many people who have tens or hundreds of events of sleep apnea overnight. This means tens or hundreds of sleeping disorders times. You can't sleep slumbering desperately needed to maintain good health
The Cause Of
Here are some causes of blockage of a portion or all channels of breath while sleeping :
Your throat muscles too slack so blocked the channel your breath
Tongue or fatty tissue covering the channel of your breath
You have a narrow funnel
The two main symptoms of sleep apnea include:
- You very sleepy during the day, but you do not know why.
- You snoring and stop breathing during a sleep.
Result of sleep apnea
This can cause sleeping sickness with health problems, accidents, and early death if not promptly treated.
A person who suffers from sleep apnea are at risk of cardiovascular disease. Respiratory disorders that often occur at night creating a shortage of oxygen that can damage the brain, heart and other organs.
Due to not getting enough sleep, the body often need extra carbohydrates. People with sleep apnea will then eat a lot so it is likely to be obese. Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases.
Sleep apnea sufferers feel sleepy, always tired, headache, difficult to concentrate and memory loss during the day because the body and brain are not getting sleep enough. This can be at risk of accidents when operates a machine or vehicle.
This disease can lead to sudden death due to heart suddenly stopped.
Risk factors
Anyone can be affected by sleep apnea. Your risk is higher if You have a combination of the following risk factors:
- Men.
- Older than 40 years.
- Overweight
- Have a big/thick neck:, a large tongue, tonsils, chin folds inward, small throat, or family with history of sleep apnea
There is no cure of sleep apnea. People who have mild sleep apnea can be helped with weight loss, dental care or operation of the tonsils (if the cause is the enlargement of the tonsils).
The most effective treatment for severe sleep apnea sufferers (those having more than 30 times the pause breath per hour) is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP. This is a device with a nose mask connected to a generator engine airflow. From the engine generator, air is pumped through the nose or mouth to ensure that the breath channel always open all night. Sleep with a CPAP is not pleasant, but that's the only treatment that often can save lives.
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