
Friday, December 9, 2011

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Foot Amputation due to Diabetes Mellitus

diabetic foot, foot amputation
Diabetes is a chronic progressive disease, meaning that the disease usually occurs in the long term with the condition can get worse. In addition, diabetes is also known as a disease that can cause complications in a variety of other organs, such as eye, kidney, heart & feet.
Foot complications for people with diabetes mellitus
Why the foot can also be affected by diabetes?. It turned out that when blood sugar levels in people with uncontrolled diabetes in the long run can cause nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) & vascular disorders. Then due to the damaged nerve is to make people with diabetes can not feel the sensation of heat, cold or even pain in hands & feet. Therefore they can not feel of injury to their hands & feet.

If there had been injuries, infections will easily occur, especially with high blood sugar levels so as to make a quick germ to breed. It is then compounded by the existence of disruption on any more blood vessels commonly happened by people with diabetes. Due to the presence of disorders of the blood vessels, the blood flow will not be enough to reach the wounded, so that the wound and infection are not easily cured. This is what will increase the risk of poor healing wounds in people with diabetes that would result in amputation or even death.
Amputation risk for people with diabetes mellitus
The best way to prevent the amputation or even death from ulcer/wound in leg people with diabetes is diabetic foot management manner including by means of early detection of any form of legs in people with diabetes disorders. The management of the foot can already started since someone declared having diabetes. So thus, it is expected to prevent the occurrence of amputations or even death in people with diabetes.

Foot care for diabetic sufferer
It is recommended for persons with diabetes to check feet regularly every day. So if there is injury or abnormalities in the leg will be easy to detect. It should be noted during examination of the foot are: temperature & skin discoloration, pain or discomfort, a tear in the skin, swelling and callus / thickening of the skin.

Here are some tips for managing the diabetic foot:
    Diabetic foot care tips:
        Clean & dry feet regularly, then check whether there are problems in the feet
        When the feet dry, treat it by using a moisturizer
        Do not walk barefoot
        Do not use chemicals or sharp objects to attenuate thickening on the soles of the feet
        If there are problems in the feet, legs immediately contact the experts (podiatrists)
    Diabetic nail care tips
        Cutting the nails should be done after a shower so that your nails become more lenient
        Do not try to cut the nails in one piece
        Do not cut nails too short
        Do not cut the side of the nail too deep
        If necessary, ask for help from others to cut the nail
        If painful or difficult to nail the pieces, contact podiatrists

    Tips for diabetic footwear:
        Use a shoe with the right size and can be tied with rope
        Choose shoes that follow the shape of the foot
        Choose shoes with a soft material, avoid the plastic
        Always use cotton socks
        Before using the shoes, get rid of gravel or sand that may exist in the shoe, if necessary, use your hands 
        to  detect any rough parts inside the shoe
        Always use footwear, even in everyday activity in the

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