Sherlyn Chopra, 26 year old Indian actress and model, was banned from Twitter. Her name may not say much on Europeans or U.S., but this young hot girl in her origin country (India), is considered a true stars like Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts. Her story is set in particular, perhaps because India. Sherlyn Chopra has been banned from social network because she has published her personal photos (artistic nude to clarify) that have been deemed too hot. In India, the gesture was judged to be obscene and offensive.
The photos created a stir, however, was more chella that shows completely naked, in profile and only with loose hair on the body. Her with no very chalances said: "I did it for my fans to know what people thought of my forms." The ingenuity demonstrated in this statement, of course, was believed by few.
Unfortunately, the cultural idea that still exists in India, has meant that the girl was immediately singled out and therefore banned from the Twitter microblog. Similar case happened for example with Dany Bananinha for Brazil.
The ban did Sherlyn went further, however. She was also forbidden to publish any photos. A lot of courage for her who has had a lot of problems, although her pioneering gesture (the first Indian woman to appear naked public), has meant that her profile has been massively clicked.
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