
Saturday, December 3, 2011

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Tips for Beautiful and Healthy Skin

beautiful and healthy skin
Skin is the first thing that must be cared for properly. Each person has different skin types: dry, oily, normal, and combination. Any type of skin requires special care.

Look healthy and beautiful is the dream of every woman. However, due to too much stress and improper eating habits, causing women tend to show signs of premature aging. Here are some basic beauty tips for achieving beautiful skin.
  • Wash your face regularly. Wash your face at least twice a day, but not more than three times a day with a cleanser that suits the skin. Choice cleanser depending on skin type (dry, oily, normal, or a combination). Aloe vera can also opt for a cleanser. Be careful not to cleanse too often the skin. Also, do not wash your face with hot or cold water because both can cause broken capillaries.
  • Exfoliating regularly. Exfoliation helps to get the oil that need for the body and removes dead skin cells, dry, and dirt from your face. Try to exfoliate at least once or twice a week. It could be to cleanse your face regularly.
  • Moisturize. To maintain water levels we have to use a moisturizer every day. More specific treatment should be done during the winter because the skin tends dry quickly. In winter, massage the body two or three times a day with a moisturizer.
  • Do not forget the sunscreen. Sunscreen may be the most important components of skin care rules. Wrinkles, which is the number one sign of aging is triggered by sunlight exposure. So it is important to use sunscreen. Do not forget the sunscreen in the winter and on cloudy days.
  • Protect the lips. Chapped lips can be a nightmare. Use lip balm or gel on the lips so lips are not chapped.
  • Use the humidifiers tool. Humidifiers will help to regain skin smoothness. In winter, the skin becomes dry. Well this time that a humidifiers is needed.
  • Sleep enough.. If lack of sleep then the skin will look pale, dull, tired, and sagging. At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep, is very important to get good skin.
  • Drink plenty of water. Water is essential for maintaining good health and clean up the entire body. It is advisable to drink at least 8 glasses a day to keep skin protected from dehydration.
  • Healthy diet. Diet also affects the skin, particularly vitamin intake. Eat foods rich in vitamins such as wheat, avocado, fruits, and vegetables. Concentrate on foods that are rich in vitamins A and E in appropriate amount. Stay away from greasy food because it can cause acne.
  • Regular exercise. Exercise makes us a lot of sweat and skin self-cleaning process. Exercising also helps remove dirt and take a fresh oxygen.

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